How to Apply for the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program: A Step-by-Step Guide



The University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program (UMAPS) is a prestigious initiative designed for early career faculty members from African universities. By providing a fully funded opportunity to conduct research and collaborate with faculty at the University of Michigan, UMAPS aims to strengthen higher education in Africa. The program not only integrates scholars into international academic networks but also supports their research projects, academic degrees, publications, and grant proposals.

Key Benefits of UMAPS:

  • Valuable research collaborations with UM faculty members
  • Expansion of academic networks
  • Long-term professional growth for individual scholars and their home institutions

This guide will provide you with a step-by-step approach to applying for the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program. From preparing your curriculum vitae to developing a compelling research proposal, we’ll cover all the essential steps and tips to enhance your application process.

Eligibility Criteria

Understanding the eligibility requirements for the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program (UMAPS) is crucial for a successful application. The program specifically targets early career faculty—defined as individuals with less than ten years of teaching experience at a university or college in Africa.

Specific Eligibility Criteria:

  • Teaching Experience: Candidates should have less than ten years of teaching experience.
  • Residency Requirement: Applicants must be able to remain in residence at the University of Michigan for five months.
  • Support Letter: It is essential to obtain a compelling letter of support from your home institution. This document should come from a relevant authority, such as the head of your department, and underscore the significance of your research and its potential impact on your home institution.

The support letter plays a crucial role in demonstrating your institution’s endorsement and commitment to your professional development. It should highlight how your participation in UMAPS will benefit not only you but also contribute to strengthening higher education within your home country.

Application Process Overview

Step 1: Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Creating a strong CV is the first step in your application journey for the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program. A well-organized CV can significantly boost your chances of being selected.

Essential Elements to Include in Your CV:

  • Academic Qualifications: List all degrees earned, starting with the most recent. Include the name of the institution, degree type, field of study, and dates attended.
  • Professional Experience: Detail your teaching and research positions, including titles, institutions, and dates. Emphasize roles that demonstrate leadership or significant contributions to your field.
  • Publications and Research: Highlight peer-reviewed journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, and other scholarly works. Include full citations to make it easy for reviewers to locate your work.
  • Awards and Honors: Mention any academic or professional awards that underscore your expertise and achievements.
  • Skills and Certifications: List relevant certifications, technical skills, languages spoken, and any other competencies that add value to your profile.

Tips for Tailoring Your CV Specifically for the UMAPS Application:

  • Highlight Relevant Academic and Research Experiences:Focus on experiences that align with UMAPS objectives such as enhancing higher education in Africa and fostering international academic collaboration.
  • Include details about any past collaborations with international scholars or institutions.
  • Quantify Your Achievements:Use numbers to quantify your achievements where possible. For example, mention the number of students taught or research projects completed.
  • Align Your CV with UMAPS Goals:Review the program’s goals and ensure that your CV reflects how you meet these objectives. This might include demonstrating a commitment to research that addresses social issues in Africa or showcasing innovative teaching methods.
  • Proofread for Accuracy:Ensure there are no errors or inconsistencies in your CV. Accurate presentation reflects professionalism and attention to detail.
  • Use a Clear Layout:Make sure your CV is easy to read by using clear headings, bullet points, and consistent formatting throughout.

By focusing on these elements and tailoring your CV specifically for the UMAPS application, you create a comprehensive document that effectively showcases your qualifications. This step sets a solid foundation for the subsequent stages of your application process.

To further enhance the effectiveness of your CV, consider incorporating professional experience details that reflect leadership roles or significant contributions in your field. Remember to quantify your achievements where possible for added impact.

Moreover, tailoring your CV specifically for this application involves aligning it with UMAPS goals by reflecting on past experiences that resonate with their objectives such as fostering international academic collaboration or addressing social issues through research. Lastly, maintaining a clear layout with consistent formatting will ensure readability and leave a professional impression on the reviewers.

For more insights on structuring an effective CV for faculty job applications which could be beneficial in this context as well, you might want to refer to [this resource](

Step 2: Develop a Research Proposal

Crafting a strong research proposal is crucial for your UMAPS application. Your proposal should align with the program’s goals, demonstrating how your project will contribute to academic knowledge and benefit your home institution.

Key Components of an Effective Proposal:

  • Clear Title: Choose a title that succinctly reflects the essence of your research. A well-chosen title can capture interest and provide a quick understanding of your project’s focus.
  • Well-Defined Objectives: Outline the primary aims of your research. Ensure these objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This clarity helps reviewers understand what you intend to accomplish.
  • Appropriate Methodology: Detail the methods you’ll use to conduct your research. Describe the tools, techniques, and procedures you will employ to achieve your objectives. Highlight why these methods are suitable for your study.

Additional Tips:

  • Alignment with UMAPS Goals: Your proposal should emphasize how it aligns with UMAPS’ mission of enhancing higher education in Africa. Explain the potential impact of your study on both local and international academic communities.
  • Project Significance: Clearly articulate the significance of your research. Discuss how it addresses existing gaps in knowledge or offers innovative solutions to relevant problems.

Developing a compelling research proposal requires careful thought and precision. By ensuring each component is well-crafted and aligns with UMAPS’ objectives, you enhance your chances of acceptance into this prestigious program.

Step 3: Obtain a Letter of Support

Getting a strong letter of support from your institution’s head or relevant authority is crucial for your UMAPS application. This letter acts as an endorsement from your institution, showcasing your potential and the importance of your proposed research.

Guidelines for Requesting the Letter:

  1. Identify the Right Authority: Approach the head of your department, dean, or another relevant authority at your home institution who can vouch for your academic qualifications and professional experience.
  2. Provide Context: Share details about the UMAPS program, its goals, and how it aligns with your research interests and career path.
  3. Highlight Your Achievements: Make sure the letter highlights your academic accomplishments, contributions to your field, and potential for future impact.
  4. Detail Collaboration Plans: Include information on how you plan to collaborate with University of Michigan faculty members and how this will benefit both institutions.

Essential Components to Include:

  • Institutional Commitment: Confirmation that your home institution supports your participation in UMAPS and will facilitate any necessary arrangements.
  • Research Alignment: Explanation of how your research proposal aligns with the institution’s goals and priorities.
  • Professional Endorsement: Strong endorsement of your capabilities as an early career faculty member, including specific examples of your work.

The letter should be addressed directly to the UMAPS selection committee and submitted as part of the online application form. This institutional support not only strengthens your application but also highlights the collaborative nature of the program.

Important Dates and Deadlines to Remember

Understanding the key dates and deadlines is crucial when applying for the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program. Here are the essential timelines you need to keep in mind:

  • Application Deadline: October 15
  • Cohort Timelines:
  • August to December: The first cohort runs during the fall semester.
  • January to May: The second cohort takes place in the winter semester.

Make sure to mark these dates on your calendar and start preparing your application materials well in advance. Missing any deadline can affect your chances of being selected for this prestigious program.

Special Considerations for Applicants from Specific Countries

Certain applicants face unique requirements. Specifically, those coming from Angola, Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, and Uganda must secure a nomination by a University of Michigan faculty member. This nomination is crucial for the application process.

Understanding the Nomination Requirement


The nomination ensures that applicants have a strong connection with UM faculty who can provide mentorship and facilitate academic collaboration.

How to Obtain a Nomination

  1. Identify potential UM faculty members whose research aligns with your own.
  2. Reach out via email with a concise introduction of yourself and your research interests. For guidance on how to approach this, consider following these tips on emailing potential supervisors.
  3. Clearly articulate how their mentorship could benefit your academic goals.

Tips for Securing a Nomination

  1. Research Faculty Profiles: Visit the University of Michigan’s departmental pages to find faculty members who share similar research interests.
  2. Craft a Persuasive Email: Highlight your academic achievements and explain why their support would be invaluable. You may want to refer to this resource on writing effective emails for additional tips.
  3. Follow Up: If you don’t receive an immediate response, send a polite follow-up email after one week. Using email follow-up strategies can be helpful in such situations.

The nomination requirement underscores the program’s commitment to fostering meaningful academic partnerships between African scholars and UM faculty

Benefits of Participating in UMAPS Programmes at the University of Michigan

Engaging in the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program (UMAPS) offers numerous advantages:

  1. Research Collaboration Opportunities: Scholars have the unique chance to collaborate with University of Michigan faculty members. This partnership can enhance the quality and scope of your research, providing access to advanced resources and diverse perspectives.
  2. Academic Networking: Participation in UMAPS facilitates connections with a global network of academics. Building these relationships can open doors to future research projects, publications, and academic events.
  3. Professional Development Benefits: The program supports long-term professional growth. Scholars gain valuable experience that can lead to increased recognition in their field, better teaching methodologies, and enhanced career prospects.

Contributing to both individual scholars and their home institutions, UMAPS fosters an environment where knowledge exchange thrives.

Conclusion: Strengthening Higher Education in Africa Through Initiatives Like UMAPS

UMAPS offers a unique opportunity for early career faculty from Africa to enhance their research capabilities and academic networks. By participating, you join a community dedicated to fostering educational excellence and innovation. The program not only benefits individual scholars but also contributes significantly to the advancement of higher education across the continent.

If you’re considering how to apply for the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program, now is the time. Empower your academic journey and make a lasting impact on your home institution.


Q: What is the UMAPS Program?

The University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program (UMAPS) is designed for early career faculty members from African universities. It provides a fully funded opportunity to conduct research and collaborate with UM faculty.

Q: Who is eligible to apply?

  • Early career faculty with less than ten years of teaching experience at a university or college in Africa.
  • Applicants must be able to stay in residence for five months.
  • A support letter from the applicant’s home institution is required.

Q: What should my CV include?

Your CV should detail:

  • Academic qualifications
  • Professional experience
  • Relevant academic and research experiences

Q: How do I craft a strong research proposal?

An effective proposal includes:

  • A clear title
  • Well-defined objectives
  • Appropriate methodology

Q: Why is a letter of support important?

A compelling letter of support from your institution’s head or relevant authority strengthens your application by highlighting your work’s significance and institutional backing.

Q: What are the key dates to remember?

  • Application due date: October 15
  • Cohort timelines: August to December and January to May

Q: Are there special requirements for applicants from certain countries?

Yes, applicants from countries like Angola or Botswana need a nomination by a University of Michigan faculty member.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program (UMAPS)?

UMAPS is a prestigious initiative aimed at supporting early career faculty from Africa by providing opportunities for research collaboration, academic networking, and professional development. The program is significant for enhancing the capacity of higher education in Africa.

Who is eligible to apply for UMAPS?

Eligibility for UMAPS is primarily targeted at early career faculty with less than ten years of teaching experience. Applicants must also obtain a support letter from their home institution, which is crucial for their application.

What are the key steps in the application process for UMAPS?

The application process involves several key steps: 1) Prepare your Curriculum Vitae (CV), ensuring it highlights relevant academic and professional experiences; 2) Develop a strong research proposal that aligns with UMAPS goals; and 3) Obtain a compelling letter of support from your institution’s head or relevant authority.

What should be included in my CV when applying for UMAPS?

Your CV should include essential elements such as academic qualifications, professional experience, and any relevant research experiences. Tailoring your CV specifically for the UMAPS application will strengthen your submission.

What are the important deadlines I need to remember when applying to UMAPS?

Key dates include the application due date, which is October 15, and cohort timelines that run from August to December and January to May. It’s important to adhere to these deadlines to ensure your application is considered.

Are there any special considerations for applicants from specific countries?

Yes, some countries like Angola or Botswana have a nomination requirement for applicants. It’s essential to check if your country falls under this category and understand any additional requirements that may apply.

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