A tired and confused female student leaning on table

What happens if an international student failed a class in Australia

Australia like many nations are strict on grades, especially for international students.

The country has one of the best educational systems in the world and you’ll get all the necessary support to perfect your grades.


However, academic challenges are common; sometimes, a student can fail a class despite best efforts.

As an international student, if you fail a class, expect the following:

What happens if an international student failed a class in Australia?

When you fail a class in Australia, you’ll repeat the failed class, however, it will affect your academic progress and subsequently, your visa status.

If the failed class make it impossible for you to progress in your academics, then it’ll get worse.


In Australia, universities and immigration authorities expect every international student to maintain satisfactory academic performance.

This is part of your enrollment conditions – when you continue to fail, you’ll find it hard to maintain this requirement.

If you fail, you’ll retake the class, and in some cases, you’ll be placed on academic probation and given extra support to improve.

If your poor performance continues, the university will report you to the Department of Home Affairs, which will affect your student visa.

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In Australia, universities, colleges and other learning institutions are known for their high academic standards.

Classes often involve rigorous coursework, assessments, group projects, and final examinations.

As an international student, you’re expected to meet the same requirements as domestic students.

This, understandably can sometimes be challenging due to language barriers, cultural differences, or personal circumstances.


However, it’s not an excuse to fail. You must keep your grade above the minimum requirements to maintain continuous progress.

Failing a class doesn’t make you a bad student; it simply highlights areas where you need additional support or changes in your study habits.

However, if you fail, you’ll still face the consequences of failing.

What you should never forget about failing a class in Australia as an international student

When you fail, your school will do its best to support you; however, the responsibility to take action lies with you.

Every institution in Australia has support services to help students going through academic challenges, so you are not alone.

Your school will schedule you for counselling, tutoring, or workshops to improve your study skills and rebuild your confidence.

Therefore, if you’re failing, do not keep your struggles to yourself, speak to your professors and academic adviser.

Your school will provide resources to help you, but it’s up to you to use them effectively and stay committed to improving.

They understand that international students face challenges like cultural adjustments or language barriers, and are willing to accommodate where possible.

However, consistent effort from your side is important if you want to overcome these hurdles.

Think of failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, and let the school’s resources help you bounce back stronger.

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Consequences of failing a class in Australia as an international student

Depending on your institution, program, and visa status, when you fail a class, you’ll:

  • Repeat the class

The rule here is simple; when you fail a class, you’ll repeat it and make up for your grades – that’s how it works.

Repeating a class means re-enrolling and doing your coursework again – this will be stressful, especially for international students.

  • Failing will delay your graduation

You should expect this; when you fail, your graduation date will be delayed, as some courses are prerequisites for others.

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For example, when you fail a foundational course, you can’t enrol in advanced classes in subsequent semesters.

  • You’ll pay extra tuition fees

This is not always the case but sometimes, repeating a class means additional tuition fees and the amount can be a lot.

Australian universities charge international students higher tuition rates. Foreign students pay from AUD 10,000 to AUD 45,000 annually.

A failed class could cost you several thousand dollars to retake.

Example: If your program costs AUD 20,000 per year and consists of eight courses, one course can go for around AUD 2,500.

  • It’ll negatively affect your academic standing

Most Australian universities have academic progress policies.

Failing one class will negatively affect your standing. Multiple failures will trigger academic intervention.

  • Failing a class will affect your visa status 

As an international student in Australia, you must maintain satisfactory academic progress to comply with your visa conditions.

If you fail and can’t make progress in your studies, your visa status will be affected.

Failing will raise concerns with your university and potentially with the Department of Home Affairs.

In severe cases, your visa can be cancelled, although, a single failure is usually not enough to trigger visa cancellation unless it’s part of a consistent pattern of unsatisfactory performance.

  • You’ll be placed on academic probation

While you’re allowed to fail, you need to be extremely careful about it.

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If you fail multiple classes or fall below the academic standards set by your institution, you’ll be placed on academic probation.

Academic probation is a formal warning. When you’re on probation, it’s like being given time to improve your performance.

If you don’t improve, you’ll be suspended or expelled.

  • It’ll extend your program duration

Failing a class will extend your program duration requiring you to apply for visa extension.

This means more expenses and paperwork, including evidence that you’re committed to completing your studies.

  • It’ll affect you emotionally

This is one aspect of failing a class that gets overlooked.

I have seen it happen to many students when you fail, it can take a toll on your mental health and confidence especially if your family and friends have high expectations for your academic success.

Will failing a class affect my student visa?

Failing one class will not affect your visa however, when you fail repeatedly, it’ll stop you from progressing in your academics which is a violation of your visa conditions and will lead to its cancellation.

Can I retake a failed class?

Yes, most Australian universities allow students to retake failed courses. However, it’ll come at a cost – you may need to pay an extra fee.

What should I do if I’m placed on academic probation?

Take academic probation seriously. Work closely with your advisor to meet the conditions set by your institution.

Use all the available resources to your advantage and improve your performance.

Can I switch programs if I fail multiple classes?

You can switch programs if you fail multiple classes but you must get approval from your school and ensure your program adviser is okay before you proceed with the switch.

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If you’re studying in Australia, have it at the back of your mind that failing a class is not an option.

If you fail, you’ll repeat the class which will delay your graduation and cost you more money.

Repeated failures will affect your visa status, because, you need to maintain good academic programs to stay enrolled in school.

If your institution reports you for unsatisfactory progress, you’ll likely receive a notice from the Department of Home Affairs.

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